Dollar Lake Fire closes the Pacific Crest trail from near Timberline Lodge to Wahtum Lake
PCT Detour:
PCT Detour Maps:
News Reports:
Hiker Reports:
A report on the alternate from Cosmic Cat Posted on the PCT-L [9/5/11]:
And… done. We are in Cascade Locks. We deviated from the official
alternate at Rainy Lake by taking the Nick Eaton Ridge trail directly to
Herman Creek rather than backtracking south to Whatum Lake.
There were about 27 miles of roadwalk, 17 on pavement. We took care of the
paved chunk by night and early morning hiking. The biggest drag was the
unpaved forest service road climbing up to Rainy Lake through miles of
Present were Chillidog, Seahorse, Roo, Marmot, Pepe Lopez, Zm and I.
Camaraderie was essential during this semi-tedious detour.
We all left Timberline around noon yesterday and arrived in Cascade Locks
around 8 this evening. I imagine the total mileage to be around 53 miles.
Going South to Whatum Lake and hitting he PCT or Eagle Creek would tack
perhaps another ten on top of that.
Some highlights:
— hitting the tiny espresso bar in Parkdale in the early morning and
overwhelming the poor barrista.
— swim in Rainy Lake this afternoon to get rid of the accumulated grime.
— cold water bottles from random trail magic.
— knee jarring descent down Nick Eaton Ridge.
Now for a nice full zero before the last big push.