At least a few Pacific Crest Trail hikers are trying to figure out if any sections of the PCT are snow free. It appears the entire trail north of Horseshoe Meadows is pretty much covered with snow except maybe some small sections of northern California. I’m not recommending anyone change their hike based on these images, but this data merged with my GPS track of the PCT is probably the best snow info available.
These images are from the National Weather Service Snow Analyses 3D Interface showing the latest June 20th data in Google Earth along with my PCT tracks.
To see the most current data yourself: Download Google Earth, download my PCT track, then download the most recent snow overlay or just click each image below for snow data from 6/20.
I know from personal experience images from this data tends to underestimate the amount of snow on the trail. The smallest speck on these images is probably miles of snow on the trail and smaller patches of snow don’t show up in these images.