A companion iPhone app for Halfmile’s Pacific Crest Trail maps has been released and is available free from the iTunes app store. The app aids navigation on the PCT by determining your location and, if on the PCT or one of its side trails, it calculates trail distances to 1,700 PCT landmarks and displays relevant trail notes for the location. Should a hiker stray off-trail, the app calculates distance and compass bearing back to the trail.
Other features of the app include:
- Calculates which printed map pages contain your location
- Powerful search function for features like water sources, campsites, and resupply locations Simulation mode for hike planning
- Calculates UTM coordinates Displays bearing in true or magnetic north
- Displays distances in miles or kilometers
- Works without cell phone service
The app does not include maps of the PCT. It assumes hikers are using a printed set of Halfmile’s maps.
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad.Requires iOS 5.0 or later.
Halfmile’s PCT iPhone app is a collaboration between Halfmile and White Jeep [AKA David Lippke]. Graphic icons by Karen Campbell of www.pupuchaku.net