last updated 7/9/13
Here is a brief summary of changes along the Pacific Crest Trail that may effect 2013 trail users:
The Pacific Crest Trail Water Report, a crowdsourced compilation of water information for Southern California, has moved to a new site —

The Warner Springs Community Resource Center, 100 yards east of the PCT, will set up a temporary store.
[Mile 110] Warner Springs Ranch, the hot spring resort popular with PCT hikers, remains closed after the sale of the ranch fell through. The ranch is now in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The resort, hot spring pool, gas station, mini-mart, restaurant and golf course are all closed. The Post Office in Warner Springs is open. One bright spot — the temporary store set up by the Warner Springs High School FFA program at the Community Resource Center will be open again this year. Information about the sale of Warner Spring Ranch can be found here.
[Mile 179] The Idyllwild state park campground will allow PCT thru-hikers to use the campground on closure days again this year (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays due to state budget cuts). The park gate will be locked on those days, but a sign on the bulletin board will notifying thru-hikers the park is open for them. After May 1st the park will be open seven days a week.
[Mile 211] Trail angels Ziggy and the Bear will be providing shade, water, epsom salt foot baths, and cowboy camping for a second year from their home near Cabazon. They live a mile north of Interstate Highway 10 and just 2/10 mile east of the PCT. Ziggy and the Bear accept hiker resupply packages. More information at their web site —
[Mile 386] The Endangered Species Detour to protect the nearly extinct Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog is a long term closure that remains in effect for 2013. More information and a map of the detour route is available here. Learn more about the frog at
Check the PCTA Trail conditions and closures web page for the latest trail information. When spring arrives, PCTA’s agency partners will make the final determination about trail conditions and closures.
[Mile 400 – 441] Poodle-dog Bush has been especially bad the past few years in the Station Fire burn area [PCT miles 400 – 441] and other burn areas in southern California. Some hikers react very badly to this plant, even worse than poison oak. Wear long sleeves and long pants in California Section D. A dirt road closely parallels the Pacific Crest Trail in the worst Poodle-dog Bush area and some people use the road as an alternate route. Read more about the Poodle-dog bush hazard here.
[Mile 1,093] Lake of the Sky Outfitters in South Lake Tahoe, a new store that opened in 2011, continues to accepts hiker resupply packages this year. They are open 7 days a week and also have free computer and wi-fi access, and a 10% gear discount for PCT hikers. Send resupply packages to:
(Hiker Name)
Lake of the Sky Outfitters
1023 Emerald Bay Road
South Lake Tahoe, Calif. 96150
store phone: 530-541-1027
store website:
store email: [email protected]
[Mile 1,156] Bill and Molly Person will not be hosting hikers at Pooh Corner.
[Mile 1,290] The Belden postmaster has retired and the Post Office is closed. Currently Belden has no postal service. The Braatens at Little Haven (Belden Trail Angels) can accept resupply packages when they are open from late June through July. Only UPS and FedEx packages (no USPS delivery available) can be sent via ground delivery to:
[Hikers Name]
c/o The Braatens at Little Haven
15913 Hwy 70
Belden, CA 95915
The Braatens have limited storage space and request packages be shipped to arrive no earlier than three weeks before ETA of the hiker. See our recent blog post about the Belden Post Office closure here.
[Mile 1,354] Drakesbad Guest Ranch — Use of Drakesbad’s hot-spring-fed swimming pool is now limited to Drakesbad guests (overnight guests and diners), due to insurance restrictions. The Drakesbad Dining Room has only eight open seats at each meal available to diners (PCT thru-hikers – reservations required – 888-999-0014) who are not staying at Drakesbad [breakfast $9.95, lunch $13.50, dinner $22.45]. Purchase of a meal also includes free use of the pool, shower facilities and access to a coin-operated washer/dryer. Packages sent by USPS, UPS or FedEx continue to be held for PCT hikers at Drakesbad. Shipments should be addressed to:
(Hiker Name)
Drakesbad Guest Ranch
End of Warner Valley Road
Chester, CA 96020
Phone: 866-999-0914
[Mile 1,378] Old Station trail angel Firefly is no longer hosting PCT hikers.
[Mile 1,750] The Hyatt Lake Resort has moved a 1/2 mile up the road [it’s now 1.4 miles NW of the PCT]. They still accept resupply packages USP only. Note the new address:
(Hiker Name)
c/o Hyatt Lake Resort
7900 Hyatt Prairie Road
Ashland, OR 97520
Hyatt Lake Resort phone: 541-482-3331
Hyatt Lake Resort website:
[Mile 2,054] Olallie Lake Resort has been under new ownership since 2011 and no longer accepts resupply packages.
[Mile 2,188] Stabler’s Country Store closed in 2010.
[Mile 2,509 – 2,557] The Glacier Peak wilderness detour was officially lifted in September 2011, after the rebuilding of trail and bridges in this area. The PCT grew another five miles as a result of the trail construction. More information at this link.