We’re hiring a Trail Permit Assistant

We’re hiring. The Trail Permit Assistant will track and fulfill all permit requests for hikers and equestrians who are traveling long distances on the PCT. Join us in our main office, a great place to work, and help people connect to the trail. Visit our permit page for some context.

The Trail Permit Assistant is a part-time, temporary staff position working in the Sacramento office. The time commitment required is eight to sixteen hours a week for five to six months, beginning in February, 2014. Read the documents below for more information.

Submit application by January 5th.  Please e-mail resume, list of 3 references, and letter of interest detailing applicable qualifications to [email protected] with the subject Trail Permit Assistant.

The infamous "permit drawer". Our system will be even more refined with your help.

Our system will be even more refined with your help.

Author: Jack "Found" Haskel

As the Trail Information Manager, Jack works to connect people to the PCT. He's involved with a wide variety of projects that help the trail, the trail's users and the community that surrounds the experience. He has thru-hiked (Pacific Crest Trail in 2006; Colorado Trail in 2008; Continental Divide Trail in 2010) and is an obsessed weekend warrior.