Update: This piece is now online at Pacific Crest Trail Hikers Find Refuge at the Sonora Pass Cafe.
This Friday, October 3rd, NPR and The California Report Magazine will be airing a story about the magic of the PCT, thru-hikers, food and The Owl’s Sonora Pass Cafe (pdf). We’re excited to hear the story.
Today is a great opportunity to remind you that food should be offered in person. Please don’t leave it unattended on the side of the trail.

Bringing the luxuries of town to the Pacific Crest Trail at Sonora Pass. Photo: @in_these_woods
Lisa Morehouse, from California Foodways writes:
My series California Foodways is just starting, and I’m thrilled that this is the third piece on the air! Please let any PCT-supporters know they can get little tid-bits about the story before and after at the series Facebook page and/or via Twitter: @cafoodways.
Everybody eats, and food propels storytelling. In California Foodways, I’m going county by county reporting radio (and print) stories about California and Californians through the lens of food, and I want you to come along…
Right now, there are backpackers crossing into Canada after five months of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. They’re called thru-hikers, and since starting the trail in Mexico, they’ve traversed 2650 miles. Now, the lazy among us might have just read Wild, Cheryl Strayed’s memoir about the PCT. The even lazier among us may be waiting for the movie to come out in December, but the hikers, their toenails fall off, and their feet can swell whole shoe sizes. They say the only thing they talk about more than their feet is food.

The Owl, far left, provides food, rest and connection to PCT hikers. Photo: @in_these_woods
- In the Bay Area, you can hear it on KQED at 88.5 at 4:40, 6:30 and 11 pm.
- In Sacramento, you can hear it on Capital Public Radio at 90.9 at 6:30 pm.
- Here’s where folks can tune in across the state.
- It’ll be up on the California Report’s website about 5 or 5:30 pm on Friday.

Our PCT Instagram manager at The Owl’s Cafe. Read her blog http://bearsinthesewoods.blogspot.com/