PCT is open through the Station Fire burn

We’re thrilled to announce that the entire Pacific Crest Trail is open again through the Station Fire burn area. The 2009 fire burned 160,577 acres, destroyed 209 structures and killed two firefighters. The fire was started by an arsonist and was one of the largest ever in California’s history.

It’s taken a lot of work to re-open the trail. Poodle-dog bush remains a problem in the area. Please consider joining our volunteer program to help keep the Pacific Crest Trail open and accessible.

For more information, check out our notice about the Station Fire burn area in our trail conditions section.

Author: Jack "Found" Haskel

As the Trail Information Manager, Jack works to connect people to the PCT. He's involved with a wide variety of projects that help the trail, the trail's users and the community that surrounds the experience. He has thru-hiked (Pacific Crest Trail in 2006; Colorado Trail in 2008; Continental Divide Trail in 2010) and is an obsessed weekend warrior.