We’re thrilled to launch a new Wild section of our website! Writer Cheryl Strayed’s story and the story of the Pacific Crest Trail, are inspiring new hikers, horseback riders and trail defenders. Wild is the biggest spotlight the trail has ever had.
Millions of moviegoers will get their first look at the PCT when they see the film starring Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern. The PCTA wants them to visit the trail safely and wisely and have their own special experiences out there.
We ask newcomers to the trail community and our dedicated members to explore our Wild webpages.
- Visit our Wild blog regularly for updates.
- Head to our “tips” area to hone up on your hiking skills so that you hit the trail prepared for every situation.
- Plan your next adventure. See our hikes page for our staff’s favorite locations and featured hikes from Cheryl’s trip.
- Spend a few minutes reading stories from other inspiring PCT hikers. It’s an amazing experience that has touched a lot of lives. Have a story of your own? Share it with us (at the bottom of the page) and see it published in the coming months.
- Become a PCTA member and receive our Wild special edition magazine and email series.
- Check out the buzz about the trail and the movie on our Connect hashtag aggregator that pulls from Instagram and Twitter.
Where in the world has this many acres been set aside in the wilderness for people to enjoy, reflect, transform, meditate, get lost and found? The PCT is not simply a 2,650-mile trail that winds between Mexico and Canada — through California, Oregon and Washington. It is a place tointeract with vast natural ecosystems, to view the world from the top of a mountain and to discover a new perspective — one far from traffic and a world away from paying bills and running errands.
The PCTA is the only organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the entire trail, ensuring that people such as Cheryl can push themselves, get away from it all and look within to find calm and meaning in life.
Take a look around. We’re building new support for the PCT and working hard to ensure that this incredible trail and the experience it provides is around for current and future generations. We hope you’re inspired and join us in protecting and preserving the trail.