Susan Robb’s Wild Times on the Pacific Crest Trail

Susan, aka 3D, began her thru-hike on April 17th and is now near Deep Creek Hot Springs in Apple Valley, CA. Using the trail as a nomadic studio, and her experiences as inspiration and medium, she is creating digital works—photos, videos, and 3D files—periodically sending them to a series of West Coast museums and art centers. There they are being printed, projected, and installed, evolving into cumulative exhibitions. We asked Jordan Howland of about the project.

What is Wild? Where is Wild? Are you Wild?

Artist Susan Robb’s work is an ongoing investigation of people, place, and our search for utopia. She orchestrates temporary, site responsive, and socially engaged projects to transform contemporary concerns—climate crisis, social isolation, high-speed daily living—into opportunities to re-envision and re-connect.


Her latest initiative, Wild Times, merges new media, social engagement, and 2,650 miles on the PCT as an invitation to explore wildness as a geographic ideal and a state of mind.

Why wildness? Only 3% of the contiguous United States is still considered protected wild space. As our culture increasingly pressures us to maintain a personal “brand,” be in constant contact, and snapchat every moment, maybe it’s not just our geographic wild spaces that are endangered, but our internal wild spaces as well.

Wild Times at Grand Central Art Center

Wild Times at Grand Central Art Center

Through Wild Times, she is offering her body and work as a conduit between gallery and wilderness, public and trail, form and formless, and as a way to cultivate the wild terrain that resides in us all.

Visit an exhibition, sign up for a workshop, immerse yourself in the stories of everyday explorershack your wild, and follow Susan’s journey via her transmissions from the trail.

Visit the Wild Times host venues

Follow Susan Robb on the web
Instagram: Susan Robb
Twitter: Susan_Robb

Susan, day 1

Susan, day 1

Author: Jack "Found" Haskel

As the Trail Information Manager, Jack works to connect people to the PCT. He's involved with a wide variety of projects that help the trail, the trail's users and the community that surrounds the experience. He has thru-hiked (Pacific Crest Trail in 2006; Colorado Trail in 2008; Continental Divide Trail in 2010) and is an obsessed weekend warrior.