Help us meet our goal of $400,000 and double the impact of your gift

Each year the U.S. Forest Service generously gives us funding to help carry out our mission to protect, preserve and promote the Pacific Crest Trail. This year they have granted us $800,000 in federal funds.

Double the IMPACTof your gift.

Our agreement with the Forest Service states that PCTA will raise an additional $400,000 to support our work and put more volunteer hours towards the trail.

Donate today!

Your support embraces our partnership with the Forest Service and ensures:

A well-maintained trail – You help us recruit, train, supply and mobilize volunteers and staff in our effort to maintain 100 percent of the PCT. ONLY

A greater voice for protection of the trail – Your donations help us build partnerships with government land managers, putting us in the best position to respond to any threats to the PCT. Your support also enables PCTA to prioritize, plan for and acquire private property along the trail that otherwise could be developed.

An internationally recognized trail with informed trail users – You help us promote the PCT through inspiring photographs and stories featured on our website and in the PCT Communicator magazine and Trail Dirt e-newsletter. Because of you, we are able to provide crucial trail information and conditions reports to trail users.

Please support this important work and make a donation today.

Author: Shari Hansen

As Associate Director of Philanthropy, Shari connects people to the PCTA through membership. She loves to play outside, hike the PCT and she has an insatiable love of travel.