On Saturday, March 21, Trygve Culp, President of Back Country Horsemen of Washington, signed a new Letter of Partnership with the Pacific Crest Trail Association and the U.S. Forest Service. This document represents two years of discussions that now clearly define how our trail-advocacy organizations and the Forest Service will work together in Washington. While the partners have worked together for many years, this document formalizes and strengthens our relationship.
The BCHW and the 180 participants at the 2015 Rendezvous in Ellensburg welcomed PCTA members with open arms. BCHW packers will be providing support for at least eight crews this season and many more in coming years. Without these great partners, PCTA trail maintenance crews would not be able to access the PCT in remote places such as the Goat Rocks and Glacier Peak wilderness areas.
The PCTA is proud of the dedication of our partners in the BCH groups all along the trail. The hard work put in by all these volunteers is truly inspiring. Thanks to all our equestrian volunteers for everything you do for the PCT.

Bill Hawley, PCTA Regional Representative in the North Cascades, and Trygve Culp, president of BCHW.