Calling all volunteers—the PCT needs you! Ready to get dirty and give back to the trail? We’re looking for volunteers to join us on trail maintenance projects throughout the season. Grab your calendar and visit our Project Schedule to find a trip that’s right for you.
We are recruiting for one-day, weekend, and weeklong volunteer projects, many of which require little or no prior experience. There are no fees to participate in PCTA trail maintenance projects and meals are provided on all extended trips. If it’s your first time joining us on a trail crew, take a look at our New Volunteer page for answers to questions like “what should I bring?”
Ready to join us? Fill out our Volunteer Application and follow the “Contact/How to register” instructions for the project of your choice. These instructions are listed below each project’s description.
Have more questions about volunteering? Contact PCTA’s Volunteer Programs Assistant at [email protected] or 916-285-1838.

Limbering and stretching, part of the trailhead ritual before volunteering on the PCT. Photo: Gray Feather Photography.

New volunteers listen in at a Trail Skills College class teaching tread reconstruction to new volunteers. Photo: Gray Feather Photography.

Trail crew volunteers moving a log in Oregon. Photo: Gray Feather Photography.

Practicing trail decommissioning. Photo: Gray Feather Photography.