PCT Days is set for Aug. 17-19, 2018, in Cascade Locks, Oregon! It’ll be a fun weekend celebrating the Pacific Crest Trail. Join friends old and new for a few days of camping on Thunder Island, movies, talks, a gear fair, games, hiking and more. This event is put on by Outdoor Viewfinder – for more information, visit www.pctdays.com.

Photo by Gray Feather Photography
Visit and learn about the PCTA during the event
While you’re at PCT Days, be sure to stop by our booth to say hi! It’s a chance to connect with others in the PCT community, get involved with our outstanding Mount Hood Chapter volunteers, get excellent advice on hiking the PCT, join a special membership drive and do some shopping for PCT merchandise at our pop-up store.
Friday at 6pm: PCT Days’ Kick Off Party: It’s all Fun and Games
Join PCTA and the American Long-Distance Hiking Association – West (ALDHA-W) for games and fun to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and the start of PCT Days. Meet at the main stage for a celebration full of games and prizes. Be prepared to participate and be quick!
Saturday Presentation: Protecting, Preserving, and Promoting the Pacific Crest Trail
Join us Saturday (specific time to be announced) for a 30-minute presentation about the PCTA. We’ll talk about how our mission is captured by “P3,” which means to protect, preserve, and promote the PCT. Through P3, we are teaming up with hikers and corporate partners to raise awareness of both how invaluable the PCT experience is, and how vital it is to leave no trace along the trail. We’ll talk about the PCTA, our partners, the issues facing the trail and what we’re doing to benefit the trail.

Photo by Gray Feather Photography
It’s a fun community event with lots of outdoor brands present
Pacific Crest Trail Days is a three-day summer festival that celebrates outdoor recreation, with a focus on hiking, camping, and backpacking. Attendees are able to learn about outdoor products from exhibiting sponsors, participate in activities, games & presentations, win awesome gear at the raffle, watch a series of films, enjoy local food & beverages, and get great deals at the gear expo. Whether you’re into car camping, day hiking, or long-distance hiking, the gear and info you are looking for will be here!
All raffle proceeds are donated to the Pacific Crest Trail Association and the American Long Distance Hiking Association-West. PCT DAYS is free to attend, with a small fee for overnight camping on Thunder Island. Don’t miss out on being a part of a great time at the 12th annual PCT DAYS, Aug. 17-19, 2018 in Cascade Locks, Oregon!
Find official information at pctdays.com

Photo by Gray Feather Photography
Be sure to visit the event Facebook and Twitter pages for up-to-date news and special announcements!
Camping registration for PCT Days is open
Reserve your campsite now! Click here for camping information.