There’s a Boots McFarland book out

By Geolyn Carvin

You’ve probably seen a Boots McFarland cartoon somewhere: online, in a hiking club newsletter or perhaps the black and white comics featured years ago in the PCT Communicator.  Where do these cartoons originate and where do the ideas come from?

I’m a nature lover, like you. In my 13 years of section hiking (and completing) the PCT, I had a lot of experiences, mostly amazing, sometimes uncomfortable, occasionally painful, and most often humorous. I enjoyed writing a hiking journal and soon discovered that it was fun to draw a snapshot of the trail comedy that we all experience. I’ve been drawing a cartoon weekly (more or less) ever since.

It’s been a long time coming and I’m super excited to announce the release of my first book, On the Trail with Boots McFarland – Volume 1It’s a collection of some of the funniest comics and it also includes a few of my PCT journal entries for a little extra insight.

If you’ve ever walked down a trail for more than 15 minutes you’ll understand this book and you’ll probably be thinking or even saying aloud, “That’s me!”

On the Trail with Boots McFarland – Volume 1 is available on Amazon.