Halfway Anywhere Gives Back to the Trail

Mac at the Southern Terminus.

Welcome and thank you to Halfway Anywhere, PCTA’s newest corporate partner.

Tyler “Mac” Fox started Halfway Anywhere to share his adventures with friends. However, following his first Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike in 2013, it became less a personal journal and more a backpacking resource. He began his Pacific Crest Trail Hiker Survey following his thru-hike as a way to help future PCT hikers. By crowdsourcing the answers to the questions Mac had before hiking the PCT, he’s built a comprehensive and objective picture of the trail for those planning to hike the PCT.

Halfway Anywhere PCT Survey

The Halfway Anywhere PCT Survey is currently entering its seventh year, and after hiking 1,000 miles of the PCT again this year, Mac has an excellent idea of what a PCT thru-hike entails. If you attempted a PCT thru-hike this year, you can share your experience to help future hikers by completing this survey: https://www.halfwayanywhere.com/pctsurvey-2019

Here’s the results from the 2018 survey: https://www.halfwayanywhere.com/trails/pacific-crest-trail/pct-thru-hiker-survey-2018/

If you received a 2019 long-distance permit, you’ll also receive a survey request from PCTA in a few weeks. We hope you’ll take the time to answer both surveys – by sharing your experience you are giving back to the trail and future hikers. The Halfway Anywhere survey provides info for hike planning. The PCTA survey provides information for PCTA and land management agencies to help us better manage the trail to protect the wild and scenic character of the PCT. 

Author: Angie Williamson

Angie Williamson is the Director of Philanthropy for the Pacific Crest Trail Association. She oversees our fundraising work so that we have the resources we need to fulfill our mission. Her favorite part of her job is talking with donors who share our passion for the PCT.