Share your PCT love through photos

Honorable Mention in the Human Spirit category for the 2019 PCTA Photo Contest: Hikers walking along the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Southern California. Photo by Rob Thwaites.

It’s your eyes we want…at least what you’ve seen through them. What exactly did you see out there? Maybe you captured the moment. Created the mood. Found the feeling. So share!

The 2020 Pacific Crest Trail Association Photo Contest is in full swing.

That means it’s time for you to pay it forward by spreading the love. Your photos could inspire the next person to take that giant leap and make their own PCT journey. They could inspire the next donor to give a little more to maintain and protect the trail. After all, most of the photos we’ll publish in 2020 will come from you. We’ll use them to promote the trail and the work of our association.

You see? We need your creativity. Your favorite trail needs it, too. And the great thing is you might win a prize from our amazing sponsors at LEKI.

All the information you need to enter the contest is here. Send your best eye candy. And many thanks!

Honorable Mention in the Trail Majesty category for the 2019 PCTA Photo Contest: Fall colors in the North Cascades, Washington. Photo by Husein Pistoljevic.


Honorable Mention in the Equestrian category for the 2019 PCTA Photo Contest: Leading two white llamas up Kearsarge Pass, Sierra Nevada, California. Photo by Kane Hernandez.


2nd place in the Trail Majesty category for 2019 PCTA Photo Contest: Bucks Lake Wilderness in winter. Photo by Kelly Weintraub.

Author: Mark Larabee

Mark Larabee is the PCTA's Advocacy Director. He is the former editor of the "PCT Communicator" magazine and co-author of "The Pacific Crest Trail: Exploring America's Wilderness Trail" published in 2016. Larabee is a journalist, part of a team who won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news for The Oregonian newspaper. He hiked the PCT across Oregon for a 2005 series for the paper and has been with PCTA since 2010. He lives in Portland.