We’re hiring four PCT Trail Crew Technical Advisors

The Pacific Crest Trail Association hires Trail Crew Technical Advisors each field season to help oversee corps crew work, support PCTA volunteers and teach at PCTA Trail Skills Colleges. They are skilled and dedicated trail builders who spend most of their time in the field in support of the PCTA’s trail maintenance program.

Former Trail Crew Technical Advisor Eleanore Anderson was all smiles with her crosscut saw.

Former Trail Crew Technical Advisor Eleonore Anderson was all smiles with her crosscut saw.

Four positions to be filled

Find out more on our jobs page.

  1. Southern California/Northern California – week of April 12 to week of November 13 19 (31 weeks*)
  2. Southern California/Northern California – week of April 12 to week of December 11 (35 weeks*)
  3. Northern California/Southern Oregon – week of May 29 to week of October 9 (19 weeks*)
  4. Oregon/Southern Washington – week of June 12 to week of September 25 (15 weeks*)

*anticipated length of seasons

In this position, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Work with and supervise volunteer & corps crew trail crews while teaching trail maintenance skills
  • Coordinate and oversee a variety of projects on the Pacific Crest Trail
  • Manage project planning, backcountry logistics, and project implementation
  • Conduct trail assessments accompanied by new trail design & layout (Northern California/Southern Oregon position only)

This is a full-time hourly seasonal staff position working on trail projects. Learn more here.

Author: Ben Barry

Ben is PCTA's Southern Sierra Regional Representative, acting as the primary staff facilitator for the region. Formerly a seasonal employee of many places, including three other National Scenic Trails, he can now be found climbing high in the Sierra or untangling his fly line on the banks of the Kern River.