PCTA awards recognize undying devotion to the Pacific Crest Trail

The Pacific Crest Trail Association’s annual awards recognize people and partners for their extraordinary dedication to the Pacific Crest Trail. Below is a summary of the award winners recognized throughout 2019. The PCT will benefit from these trail champions’ outstanding contributions for years to come. Congratulations and thank you to ... Read more
Pacific Crest Trail volunteers tackle extensive maintenance in Southern California

Come fall and winter, trail maintenance heats up in Southern California. Over the last few weeks, volunteers and corps crews have been maintaining significant stretches of the southern 500 miles of trail. Here are just a few highlights:
Trail Gorillas: San Diego ChapterVolunteers with the Trail Gorillas: San Diego ... Read more
Overheard at the PCTA’s Trail Skills College

Author and historian Edward Hale wrote: “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
Sherry Remillard, a volunteer trail maintainer with the Pacific ... Read more
Remembering Brice Hammack, passionate advocate for trails

Brice Hammack was a passionate advocate for trails, a celebrated triple-crowner, a dedicated volunteer, and a mentor to many. He passed away September 26, 2018. The Pacific Crest Trail Association has had the privilege of honoring Brice on a number of occasions: we presented him with the Regional Trail Maintainer ... Read more
Training trail crew leaders in the art of packing

By Ellen Ginda, with Jim and Sue Forsman
Four crew leaders joined the PCTA staff for a summer in the Cascades. Starting July 6, Justin Brimer, Ian Connelly, Wes Jones, and Jennica Tamler have been leading PCTA’s Skyline and Sasquatch volunteer vacations in the Oregon and Washington backcountry. These are ... Read more
Get involved with the Pacific Crest Trail Association volunteer program

Along with other nonprofit partners, the Pacific Crest Trail Association’s volunteer program coordinates thousands of helping hands from the deserts of Southern California all the way to the Cascade Mountains of Northern Washington. Thinking of becoming a volunteer? Let me tell you a little about our trail maintenance program, and ... Read more
A huge year for Trail Skills College

Trail work isn’t just moving rocks. It’s a surprisingly complex engineering challenge designed to maximize the safety and enjoyment of trails users, while minimizing their impacts. What’s more surprising is that crews of dedicated volunteers who give their time and expertise conduct the vast majority of trail work on the ... Read more
The 2015 Tahoe Trail Skills College teaches skills and builds friendships

As Volunteer Programs Assistant with PCTA, I take great pride in helping coordinate an expansive and high-caliber volunteer program, one that offers sophisticated training opportunities such as our annual Trail Skills College. Over the last six years, PCTA’s Trail Skills College has evolved into a premier trail maintenance education program ... Read more

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