Author Archives: Ellen Ginda

About Ellen Ginda

Ellen is PCTA’s Volunteer Programs Coordinator. She works in PCTA’s Sacramento office, supporting the volunteers who dedicate their time, energy and passion to the trail.

A huge year for Trail Skills College

Trail work isn’t just moving rocks. It’s a surprisingly complex engineering challenge designed to maximize the safety and enjoyment of trails users, while minimizing their impacts. What’s more surprising is that crews of dedicated volunteers who give their time and expertise conduct the vast majority of trail work on the ... Read more

The 2015 Tahoe Trail Skills College teaches skills and builds friendships

Class time at the Trail Skills College. It's remarkable how much there is to learn about the Pacific Crest Trail. This was our Intro to Scouting and Adopting sections of the PCT.

As Volunteer Programs Assistant with PCTA, I take great pride in helping coordinate an expansive and high-caliber volunteer program, one that offers sophisticated training opportunities such as our annual Trail Skills College. Over the last six years, PCTA’s Trail Skills College has evolved into a premier trail maintenance education program ... Read more

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