Space open in Oregon Trail Skills Colleges – FREE

The Pacific Crest Trail Association, the High Cascade Forest Volunteers, and the Willamette and Deschutes National Forests invite you to sign up for our Westfir or Allingham Trail Skills Colleges in Oregon. The sessions offered are designed to train new and returning volunteers in a variety of topics from ... Read more
PCTA annual awards – accepting nominations

Dear Friends of PCTA,
Each year the Pacific Crest Trail Association honors those who have given their time and energy to the Pacific Crest Trail, and continually seek to preserve and protect this international treasure. At this time, we invite you to nominate candidates for one of the Association’s annual ... Read more
Peggy Porto’s gift to the trail
A full interview with Peggy Porto will appear in our next Trail Dirt email newsletter. Sign up for it here.
When most people think about volunteering with the PCTA, they think about re-benching tread, constructing bridges, or improving drainages. What many don’t realize is that volunteers get involved with our ... Read more

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