The Gold Six crew: NCCC’s impressive months on the PCT

This piece was co-written by Reba Berg, a member of the Gold Six NCCC team who also acts as the team’s Media Relations Specialist. Reba hails from the great state of Minnesota.
While I embarked on a long distance PCT hike back in 2005, the overwhelming take-away for me was ... Read more
It’s time for action: taking care of your poop

An already high user rate on the PCT in Southern California, combined with the annual concentration of thru-hikers passing through the area each spring, forces us to examine an issue that has been growing over the years: improper human waste disposal along the trail. Uncovered feces, barely covered feces, and ... Read more
Back to the roots; a PCTA trail crew Thanksgiving

As any ol’ trail hound can attest to, a trail crew is a unique family that typically begins as a group of strangers and over the course of days, weeks and months evolves into a tightly knit weave of independent characters bonded by sweat, successes, strange smells, bad jokes, long ... Read more

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