Author Archives: Liz Bergeron

About Liz Bergeron

Liz Bergeron has served as the Executive Director and CEO of the Pacific Crest Trail Association since 2001. When she’s not working diligently to protect, preserve and promote the PCT, you may find her taking long walks in her neighborhood, day hiking on a local trail or introducing new hikers to the PCT.

A critical time for your support

Dear PCT community,

As the year draws to a close, I hope you will consider making a year-end contribution to the Pacific Crest Trail Association. You can help make the trail the best it can be — now and for future generations.

End of the year fundraising is extraordinarily important ... Read more

PCTA Strategic Plan for 2014-2017

After months of hard work by the Pacific Crest Trail Association board, staff, volunteers and partners, we are proud to release our new Strategic Plan. We will use this document as a road map for the future of our work to protect, preserve and promote the Pacific Crest Trail while ... Read more

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