Come to PCTA’s Annual Meeting – Saturday, April 11, 2015 in Sacramento

Hello PCTA members and volunteers,
Come find out more about how your gifts and volunteer hours made a difference on the trail in 2014. Our Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 11, in the Bannon Island Room at Sierra Health Foundation. Join us afterward for refreshments at an ... Read more
A note about large trail running events on the Pacific Crest Trail

Trail running is an activity that the Pacific Crest Trail Association fully supports on the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail. It’s a form of foot travel and provides a unique experience for people interested in escaping to beautiful peaceful landscapes. We encourage that recreational experience.
However, organized trail races with ... Read more
Watch Cheryl Strayed’s call for support: help the Pacific Crest Trail now

Millions of people are hearing about the Pacific Crest Trail through Cheryl Strayed and the movie Wild. We’re thrilled to release Cheryl’s call for support for the PCTA and the PCT experience. Take a look. We hope you’re inspired to act.
“It’s up to us to make sure this ... Read more
Trail Talk: The WILD Effect

This column was first published in our PCT Communicator magazine. Download a PDF of it here. Please become a member and support the Pacific Crest Trail.
We recently learned that WILD, the movie based on Cheryl Strayed’s best-selling book of the same title, will be released Dec. 5. It’s ... Read more
PCTA’s 2013 Annual Report: a year to remember
Pacific Crest Trail Association members and supporters are givers. You give your time, your money, your ideas and your sweat to take care of this trail, which touches thousands of lives in ways we can only imagine.
We typically measure the year in numbers. In 2013, our volunteers gave 85,450 ... Read more
A critical time for your support

Dear PCT community,
As the year draws to a close, I hope you will consider making a year-end contribution to the Pacific Crest Trail Association. You can help make the trail the best it can be — now and for future generations.
End of the year fundraising is extraordinarily important ... Read more
Forest Service upholds PCT mountain biking closure

The U.S. Forest Service has upheld its 1988 order closing the Pacific Crest Trail to mountain biking. In a Nov. 25 letter to the Pacific Crest Trail Association, Regional Forester Randy Moore states that the order is consistent with legislation, regulations, directives, the recommendations of the PCT Advisory Council ... Read more
PCTA Strategic Plan for 2014-2017
After months of hard work by the Pacific Crest Trail Association board, staff, volunteers and partners, we are proud to release our new Strategic Plan. We will use this document as a road map for the future of our work to protect, preserve and promote the Pacific Crest Trail while ... Read more

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