Author Archives: Mark Waters

About Mark Waters

As the Pacific Crest Trail Association’s Associate Director of Philanthropy, Mark helps develop compelling opportunities for donors to support the PCTA and make the experience of giving satisfying and rewarding. He enjoys spending his free time playing and exploring with his sons.

Standing room only at Trail Dirt Live San Diego

Liz taking a question from the floor.

PCT enthusiasts and supporters from Southern California and beyond packed the La Jolla Shores Hotel meeting room Saturday, Jan. 23, for our Trail Dirt Live event. Trail Dirt Live continues to grow in popularity as PCTA members, volunteers, hikers, horseback riders, board members and staff get together to hear the ... Read more

URGENT: IRA rollover reinstated permanently

A lupine filled campsite in William O Douglas Wilderness. Photo by Eric Valentine.

New legislation was just passed that allows anyone 70 ½ or older with an IRA to distribute up to $100,000 directly to a qualified charity, such as the Pacific Crest Trail Association, without paying federal income taxes. Action needs to be taken quickly as PCTA, or any nominated charity, has ... Read more

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