Author Archives: PCTA Staff

About PCTA Staff

The mission of the Pacific Crest Trail Association is to protect, preserve and promote the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail as a world-class experience for hikers and equestrians, and for all the values provided by wild and scenic lands.

Cliffside grilled cheese

This story was written by PCTA’s Spencer Valenti, featuring narration from a fictionalized hiker who encounters Spencer on the PCT and learns about our work. Though the specific hiker might be made up, encounters and conversations like this are not uncommon. We hope you enjoy this chance to get to ... Read more

Introducing PCTA’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

We’re excited to announce our new 2024-2026 Strategic Plan (PDF view/download link). The plan was written and developed by our communities and partners, and has been the most involved listening process we have ever undertaken. The new plan also includes updated mission and vision statements for the PCTA. So ... Read more

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