The regions

The Pacific Crest Trail accesses and protects some of our nation’s and nature’s crown jewels. As a vehicle for introducing you to the outdoors, it is unparalleled.

Whether you’re adventuring on the crest at the pace of a thru-hiker, or the crawl of a toddler in camp, the geography, geology, biology and botany of the PCT can keep you engaged through a lifetime of exploration.

Distances on the Pacific Crest Trail

We say that the Pacific Crest Trail is 2,650 miles long. Is it? Probably not. We rebuild small and large sections of the PCT every year. Read more on why we’ve settled on that number for now. In 2019, here are some more accurate distance numbers for each state on the trail:

  • The PCT in California is 1,691.7 miles long.
  • The PCT in Oregon is 455.2 miles long.
  • The PCT in Washington is 505.7 miles long.
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