
PCT conditions report Mt Jefferson Wldrns between trail 3440 Hunts Cr-Pamelia Lk

By: Frank Huebsch
August 2nd, 2022

Approximately 76 downfall passable to hikers but many not to stock,4″ to 16″ diameter, most less than 12″ diameter, substantial brush causing tread creep issues within 2-3 mi of Milk Creek. Tread collapse at 2019? avalanche site where large boulders supporting tread have slipped and aluminum culverts presumably draining slope have clogged and are exposed causing tread drainage issues. Apparently this PCT segment has not been maintained for a few years, though it’s current condition is not as severe as the connecting (feeder) trails 3440.
I’m an experienced FS Trail construction and maintenance volunteer and previously FS-certified class B crosscut bucker and licenced civil engineer. I am signed up with PCTA for logout of Jefferson Park and Park Ridge and have previously volunteered to maintain the segment of PCT of this report.

Equestrian obstacles in the Mount Hood region

Sections: /
By: Leif
September 10th, 2021

PCTA Mount Hood Chapter logouts and efforts by all have greatly improved the trail after significant windstorm damage around Mt Hood. The section near Buck Peak, (TR#615 – 3/4 mile South, to 3 miles North) has not been cleared. It’s not as bad as the other areas were, but still not passible for stock.

The areas around the Zigzag Canyon and Little Zigzag Canyon are not yet to the point where they are stock friendly. Getting in and out of these two canyons requires some tricky equestrian skills to get up and down the steep backs and around the rocks.