By: Scott Matheson
April 27th, 2024
Silverwood Lake State Park authorities are notifying visitors of heightened bear activity in areas of the park where such sightings are unusual, such as the New Mesa and Old Mesa campgrounds (including the hiker/biker campground used by long-distance hikers).
Problem bear activity here has included stolen backpacks and broken tents. Campers are requested to store food inside cars or other metal containers overnight. A temporary metal container has been installed at the hiker/biker site for users to store their food in, with permanent storage ordered to arrive in 2-3 weeks.
By: John Miller
October 10th, 2023
Tropical storm Hilary caused significant damage to Forest Road 1N02 near the entrance off SR38 and at the intersection of 1N02 & 1N05. At this point, vehicular access to the PCT at the Coon Creek Jump-off and Fish Creek trailhead parking probably will be closed for some time.
By: Jack H.
March 24th, 2023
The Whitewater River at mile 220 is one of the major rivers on the Pacific Crest Trail in Southern California. The PCT crossing is not bridged. During high runoff events, such as heavy snow years or during rain events in the drainage, the river can be dangerous. Please act with caution and see our page about stream crossing safety.
As of March 2023, the Whitewater River is running high due to heavy winter snows and rains. The access trail between the PCT and the Whitewater Preserve Visitor Center and parking lot is not currently bridged and the river crossing on this side trail is also dangerous. Consider using the Canyon View Loop Trail between the PCT and Whitewater Canyon Road instead as it does not require a river crossing. Find more information at Whitewater Preserve » The Wildlands Conservancy
By: Christina Torres
November 22nd, 2022
We were heading NB from Horsethief Canyon to the Interstate 15. There were some areas through Crowder Canyon dangerous strewn with large rocks and very difficult to pass through due to rock falls from a recent heavy rain. With another heavy rain expected next week it will probably get much worse than it was. I realize there is a lot of work and volunteer effort involved but this area is beginning to get a bit dangerous. Hoping it can be fixed at least before the 2023 thru-hiking season gets started. Thanks so much.
By: Nikki Purmal
November 22nd, 2022
Section C/D:
The areas I’m reporting are within a mile or so of the McDonald’s. On the south east side of the 15. There is a section of the PCT that is also locally known as the camp Cajon Kauder Creek Trail. Several sections of this trail have washout areas with rock debris which make it difficult to cross.