Section D

Damaged trail – mile 449 – to underpass

By: Cuz
September 24th, 2024

I was there in early May. It was a terrible part of the trail from mile 449 just after the top going down to the underpass to Vasquez Rocks.
The trail was the worst I have seen on the desert section. Totally damaged with big holes made by horses right on trail and erosion on the sides of the trail, also from horses. Really really bad. These holes could break an ankle on hikers. Especially if they hike in the dark.

Unsafe for horses

By: Ray Drasher
July 23rd, 2024

After coming out of tunnel under 14 freeway heading north bound there is a dangerous rock cropping shortly after that requires a horse to go up a slanted rock cropping at an angle and several horses have fallen there and riders injured. It is being looked at but will be some time before repairs will be done. There is another traIL FOR HORSES TO USE TO GO AROUND BUT IT HAS BEEN TOTALLY OVER GROWN DUE TO EXCESSIVE RAIN.