Equestrian Issue

Large Hole On Trail

By: Anitra Kass
January 10th, 2024

At approximately mile 205.4 (about .4 trail south of the water fountain) a large hole has developed in the trail. This hole is about waist deep on me (I’m 5’4″) and dropped into a small rock cavern. It is very easy to spot and get around for hikers but would prove challenging for equestrians especially if coming down hill. Please be careful.

Two ravines impact the trail near mile 562.8 above Oak Creek Canyon

By: Michelle
December 22nd, 2023

Two ravines have formed, destroying the PCT near mile 562.8 above Oak Creek Canyon. At last survey, most people were able to cross the ravine not too far from the PCT crossing. Please write in with updates should that no longer be the case.

Map of the area: https://arcg.is/Gi4jz

Please note this other ravine nearby: https://www.pcta.org/discover-the-trail/trail-condition/large-ravine-impacting-the-trail-near-mile-555-6-above-oak-creek-canyon/

PCT South of Buck Peak

By: Leif Hovin
August 16th, 2023

The trail is still blocked to Equestrian and Stock, in the section 3/10 of a mile South of Buck Peak. Saw crews from both the Mt Hood Chapter and the Mt Hood National Forest have made progress in clearing the blowdowns from the September 2020 winds. There are about 6 logs blocking the trail, but hikers can still climb over or crawl under