Southern California BLM Lands
PROTECTED: Spectacular Views and Rare Habitat in Southern California
Donate NowCompleted Projects Southern California BLM Lands
In the first rugged canyon crossed by PCT hikers northbound from the Mexican border, protection of multiple unique habitats and special status animal species.
In 2015 the Mojave Desert Land Trust successfully completed the transfer of 224 acres to the BLM protecting the viewshed for more than one mile of PCT through the San Gorgonio Wilderness area.
The following year, 160 acres of land were acquired in Hauser Canyon, home o diverse habitats for a number of special-status animal species including the Arroyo Toad, Least Bell’s Vireo, Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, San Diego Horned Lizard, and Townsend’s big-eared bat.