Public transit to the PCT at Walker Pass and between Lake Isabella and Ridgecrest

Kern Transit just started a new route along Highway 178 between Lake Isabella and Ridgecrest. It stops where the PCT crosses Walker Pass. For PCT hikers wanting to take public transit to and from the trail, this is great news.

I asked them some questions and Ruby Horta, from Kern Transit, was nice enough to answer.

  • When does the bus run? Monday, Wednesday and Friday. See the schedule. Year round, weather permitting.
  • What’s the exact location of the stop? How does it work? There will be a sign near the trail head with contact information for our system, similar to the sign we have at Cameron Rd., but with a new phone number (800-323-2396). Hikers should call to request a stop. If they don’t have cell phone service, we have asked our bus drivers to be vigilant of any hikers that may wave them down. We will also have bus stop signs, where the bus can safely stop on Hwy. 178. Once we have them installed, I can send you the exact location. On the way to Ridgecrest it’ll be in front of the plaques at the pass. The stop on the trip to Lake Isabella from Ridgecrest will be across the street.
  • What are the transit options for onwards travel from Lake Isabella and Ridgecrest? Where are the stops in those towns? Does the new bus stop in Onyx? Our East Kern Guide provides route information for all of our routes in East Kern County as well as connecting services information. Take a look at our main route and schedule guide and you’ll find your way to the regional guides.
  • What does it cost? It’s $3.
  • Anything else you’d like PCT hikers to know?  We are rather excited about this addition, not only for our passengers in Lake Isabella needing access to Ridgecrest, but because of the access it will give hikers to the trail.

Service began August 4th. Get on the bus!

Here are the relevant guides for 2014:

It's strange, but this picture puts a huge smile on our face.

It’s strange, but this picture puts a huge smile on our face.

The Walker Pass stop is near this.

The Walker Pass stop is near this.

Author: Jack "Found" Haskel

As the Trail Information Manager, Jack works to connect people to the PCT. He's involved with a wide variety of projects that help the trail, the trail's users and the community that surrounds the experience. He has thru-hiked (Pacific Crest Trail in 2006; Colorado Trail in 2008; Continental Divide Trail in 2010) and is an obsessed weekend warrior.