A one-stop-spot for all things paperwork! Find all the forms you need for before, during, and after your trail crew project including JHA’s, Sign In Sheets, youth forms, and financial documents. Looking for tools and supplies? Scroll to the bottom of this page.
Table of Contents
Project Forms | Volunteer Injury Packets | Financial Forms |
Working with Minors | PCTAConnect Instructions | Tools & Supplies |
Guidebooks and resources for new volunteers, trail maintenance, and volunteer safety can be found here and in the volunteer learning center. Information about PCTA’s Saw Program can be found under saw training and certification.
Project Forms
Project Report Form | Provide PCTA with your volunteer hours and accomplishments for trail maintenance projects. Log into your PCTAConnect account in order to report online. Revised March 2021. |
Online Excel |
Administrative Report Form | Provide PCTA with your volunteer hours and accomplishments for administrative projects. This includes hours spent writing stories for PCTA publications, maintaining tools, moderating PCTA social media channels, etc. Log into your PCTAConnect account in order to report online.
Revised March 2021. |
Online Excel |
Specialized Hours Instructions | Explains which volunteer activities should be recorded as specialized hours. Revised April 2018. | Word |
Volunteer Application | Volunteer applications should be submitted to the crew leader or Sacramento office prior to a project. Crew Leaders: If a volunteer has submitted an application previously, please contact us for a copy. Revised February 2019. |
Online Word |
Volunteer Guidebook – Day Projects | This resource gives volunteers a great idea of what it’s like to be on a day-long trail crew. It’s full of information including what to bring, types of projects, and Leave No Trace principles. Revised February 2019. |
Volunteer Guidebook – Overnight Projects | This resource gives volunteers a great idea of what it’s like to be on an overnight trail crew. It’s full of information like what to bring, Leave No Trace principles, a crew’s daily schedule, meals, and backcountry basics. Revised February 2019. |
Volunteer Code of Conduct | This outlines standards of conduct, defines misconduct, and identifies pathways for reporting misconduct, allowing for a clearer understanding of behavioral expectations for volunteers and how to address any issues that arise. The Code supports crew leaders and crew members alike in creating an environment where safety and support is prioritized. Released March 2022 | |
E-Paperwork for Volunteer Projects | Volunteers must complete their online Sign-in Sheet, JHA(s), Covid-19 Release, etc. before each outing. Revised June 2021 |
Covid-19 Release of Liability Form | This is a printable version of the Covid-19 Release that’s included in E-Paperwork. If volunteers aren’t able to complete e-paperwork, they must sign and return a printed copy of this form for each outing. Released June 2020 | |
Sign-in Sheet – Signature Only | This is a printable version of the Sign-in Sheet that’s included in E-Paperwork. If volunteers aren’t able to complete e-paperwork, they must sign and return a printed copy for each outing. Ensures volunteers receive information on liability coverage. Revised April 2018 |
Word Fillable PDF |
Sign-in Sheet – Contact Information | This is a printable version of the Sign-in Sheet that’s included in E-Paperwork. If volunteers aren’t able to complete e-paperwork, they must sign and return a printed copy for each outing. Ensures volunteers receive information on liability coverage. Crew leaders can use this version to collect contact information for new volunteers. Revised April 2018. |
Word |
Job Hazard Analysis Form | Ensures volunteers receive information on the task to be performed, possible hazards related to the tasks, and abatement actions. | |
Trail Maintenance JHA This is a printable version of the Trail Maintenance JHA that’s included in E-Paperwork. If volunteers aren’t able to complete e-paperwork, they must sign and return a printed copy for each trail maintenance outing. Has a section devoted to saw operations, so crews do not need to carry or sign separate JHAs for chainsaw or crosscut saw work. Revised November 2018 |
Word |
Trail Survey JHA This is a printable version of the Trail Survey JHA that’s included in E-Paperwork. If volunteers aren’t able to complete e-paperwork, they must sign and return a printed copy for each scouting trip. Released November 2018 |
Word |
Livestock Operations JHA This is a printable version of the Livestock Operations JHA that’s included in E-Paperwork. If volunteers aren’t able to complete e-paperwork, they must sign and return a printed copy for each outing with livestock. Revised November 2018 |
Word |
Tailgate Safety Session and Tool Checklist | Provides a checklist of important topics to cover during safety session and tracking tools. Revised March 2024. |
Guidelines for Working in Smoky Conditions | Crew leaders should use this guide to better recognize hazardous conditions and decide when mitigation or evacuation are prudent. April 2024 |
Check-In and Check-Out Protocol | Requires trail volunteers to employ a TCP and tracker each and every time out on a volunteer mission, including all scouting trips, and carry a device that gets reception at or near your site. |
Word |
Communicating with inReach Devices | Designed to assist volunteers and staff with the use of inReach or similar two-way satellite messaging devices as field communication tools, including steps to take before going into the field with the device. July 2019. | Word |
Trailhead Communications Plan | Provides important logistics information in the event of an emergency. Revised June 2017. |
Fillable PDF |
Emergency Action Plan | Delegates leadership roles in the event of an emergency. Revised April 2018. |
Word |
Crew Leader Checklist | Crew Leader to-do list from 3 months prior to the project up to the last day of the project. | Excel |
Trail Assessment and Conditions Form | This form will help keep you organized while you’re scouting conditions on the trail, and allow you to share your findings with fellow volunteers, PCTA staff and agency partners. Revised July 2017. |
Word |
Project Paperwork Summary | The complete list of forms each crew leader needs to hold a project. This list includes form descriptions and how to use them. Revised February 2020. |
Excel |
Mid-Oregon Volunteers Paperwork Summary. Revised August 2021. | ||
Project Planning Checklist | This checklist covers many of the steps crew leaders need to consider when planning a trail maintenance project, starting 3+ months prior to the project and ending after the trip. Revised February 2013. | Excel |
Volunteer Injury Packets
This packet contains information about dealing with injuries of Pacific Crest Trail volunteers. These forms should be placed in an envelope and carried by each volunteer crew leader. Volunteer leaders should be familiar with the contents of this packet and ensure that Trailhead Communication and Emergency Action Plans are in place before an accident resulting in injury occurs.
Additional volunteer safety resources are available on the Volunteer Learning Center.
First Aid Kit Contents | List of PCTA recommended first aid kit contents to meet OSHA requirements for saw crew first aid kits. Revised January 2020. |
Word |
Volunteer Injury Instructions | Provides step-by-step instructions on managing a volunteer injury and complete list of Volunteer Injury Packet contents. Revised May 2024. |
Word |
Trailhead Communications Plan | Provides important logistics information in the event of an emergency. Revised May 2024. |
Emergency Action Plan | Delegates leadership roles in the event of an emergency. Revised April 2018. |
Word |
SOAP Note | Subjective, objective, assessment, and plan. This form assists you in documenting the status of the injured individual. | |
CA-1 Report of Injury | Form from the US Department of Labor. | |
Witness Statement | A form for individuals who observed the incident. | Excel |
Financial Forms
Advance Request Form | Requesting funds before a project. Revised April 2024. |
Excel |
Reimbursement Request Form | Requesting funds after a project. Revised April 2024. |
Excel |
Instructor Reimbursement Form | Revised April 2024. | Excel |
Packer Reimbursement Form | Revised April 2024. | Excel |
Volunteer Expense Reimbursement Policy | Revised April 2018. | Word |
Volunteer Instructor Reimbursement Policy | Revised November 2020. | Word |
Volunteer Packer Reimbursement Program | Revised July 2013. | Word |
Volunteer Packer Reimbursement Procedures | Revised April 2018. | Word |
Working with Minors
PCTA aims to support our leaders in inspiring future trail users, trail stewards, and outdoor leaders. While it’s important and enjoyable to engage minors (those under the age of 18), we need to take special precautions to protect them.
Policy for Working with Minors | Leaders of any PCTA-sponsored activity involving a minor will read and sign this policy, which outlines standards for supervision, conduct and participation when working with minors. October 2019. | Word |
Checklist for Working with Minors | A companion to the Policy for Working with Minors, which outlines step-by-step instructions for minors and their parents/guardians, and the PCTA leaders. May 2023. | Word |
Emergency Medical Release | Provides medical and contact information. The release needs to be filled out, signed by the youth’s parent or guardian and returned to PCTA. Revised December 2018. | Word |
Participant Waiver | The waiver needs to be signed by the youth’s parent or guardian and returned to PCTA. Revised December 2018. | Word |
Criminal History Record Check Authorization | Required to conduct background check for those who meet PCTA’s Youth Leader definition. Mail the completed form to “Volunteer Programs, 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 155, Sacramento, CA 95833” | Word |
PCTAConnect Instructions
Step-by-step instructions for volunteers to use when logging into PCTA’s online volunteer platform. PCTAConnect allows volunteers to sign themselves up for projects, record their volunteer hours, view their history and manage their volunteer information. Crew and group leaders can also use PCTAConnect to post projects, view rosters and complete project report forms. Each volunteer has their own PCTAConnect account with a unique username and password.
Printable/Automated Trailhead Communication Plans | Released Nov 2023. |
How to Email Volunteers on your Roster | Released March 2022. | |
How to manage High Fitness/Multi-Day Project Requirements | Released March 2022. | |
How to access your Printable Sign-In/JHA/EAP Document | Released March 2022. | |
How to Register for Private Projects | Released March 2022. | |
PCTA Volunteer Code of Conduct | Released March 2022. | |
PCTAConnect Minor Registration | Released March 2022. | |
PCTAConnect Updates: Virtual Tour | Released April 2022. | Video |
PCTAConnect: Frequently Asked Questions | Updated Feb. 2022. | Online |
PCTAConnect: Virtual Tour | Recorded March 2021. | Video |
PCTAConnect and E-Paperwork: Virtual Tour | Recorded June 2021. | Video |
PCTAConnect Project Process Flowchart | Released June 2021. | |
How E-Paperwork and PCTAConnect Work Together | Updated March 2022. | |
How to Update Your Volunteer Profile | Updated March 2022. | PDF Video |
How to View Your Volunteer Hours | Released March 2021. | PDF Video |
How to View Your Certifications | Released Sept. 2021 | PDF Video |
How to Register for a Volunteer Project | Updated Sept. 2021. | |
How to Register for a Portion of a Volunteer Project | Released March 2021. | |
How to Join a Waitlist for a Volunteer Project | Released Sept. 2021 | PDF Video |
How to Cancel Your Registration for a Volunteer Project | Released Sept. 2021. | PDF Video |
How to Complete a Trail Assessment/Scouting Planning Form | Released Sept. 2021 | |
How to Submit a Project Report | Updated Sept. 2021. | |
How to Submit a Standalone Project Report | Released Sept. 2021 | PDF Video |
How to Use the Line Selector Map on the Project Report | Released Sept. 2021 | PDF Video |
How to Attach Files to a Project Report | Updated March 2022. | |
How to Submit Admin Volunteer Hours | Released March 2021. | PDF Video |
How to View Who’s Registered for your Project | Updated Sept. 2021. | PDF Video |
Tools and Supplies
If you are a PCTA volunteer group looking to make a purchase from Forestry Suppliers or Grainger, please contact the PCTA office for our account number.