Finishers and Alumni

You’ve accomplished something extraordinary. Very few know the PCT like you do.

Report your hike. Get a certificate and a medal. Get on the list.

PCT alumni thruhikers standing at the northern terminus on the Canadian border

Welcome to the alumni community!

You’ve accomplished something extraordinary—the physical and mental determination to walk or ride your horse for months along the lofty spine of the American West. We salute you! And we welcome you to one of the most unique alumni communities in the world—one you’ll be a part of for a lifetime.

Get a commemorative medal or certificate. You’ve earned it.

We’d be honored to send you a certificate to recognize your time on the trail. It’s free.

The PCT completion medal is one of the world’s great keepsakes. They’re only available to you and the rest of your alumni community.

The PCT medal. Once you're a 2600 miler, you can get this beautiful PCT completion medal.

For a donation of $50 or more, you’ll receive a beautiful completion medal and know that you’re helping support the PCTA’s efforts to protect, preserve, and promote the PCT. It’s engraved with your name to commemorate your accomplishment. We’d like to send our warmest appreciation to Eric Ryback for funding the medal program for many years.

Both medals and certificates are available when you fill out the trail completion form. We operate on the honor system. When you tell us that you’ve completed the trail, we’re happy to recognize your achievement. Please don’t fill out the trail completion form for other people. Only the person who has completed the trail should fill it out and only they may order a certificate and a medal.

Thanks so much for a bit of patience after you place an order for a medal or a certificate. Please expect to wait up to a few months. We make them in batches when we can.

PCTA is important. We hope you’ll stay involved.

You know firsthand the vastness of the PCT and the astounding variety of landscapes it passes through. It’s a life-changing experience. The trail—and your extraordinary accomplishment—wouldn’t exist without people like you giving back. Your passion is the future of the trail.

  • donate
  • volunteer
  • share your stories
  • speak for the trail
  • stick around
  • pay it forward

Please fill out our trail completion form so we can recognize your achievement.

Recording your accomplishment is an important last step in your journey:

  • it documents your completion of the PCT
  • it ensures your inclusion on the 2600 Miler List
  • it ensures you receive an official certificate documenting your completion of the trail
  • it provides us with valuable information that can benefit the trail

Note: Thanks so much for a bit of patience after you place an order for a medal or a certificate. Please expect to wait up to a few months. We make them in batches when we can. Please don’t fill out the trail completion form for other people. Only the person who has completed the trail should fill it out and only they may order a certificate and a medal.


Due to the travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be recognizing thru-hike completions from 2020.

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