
Our dead and dying forests

Dead and dying trees on forest lands in California, August 2016. The gray trees have been dead longer than the orange trees as they've lost their needles already. Courtesy of U.S. Forest Service, Region 5

“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” — Dr. Suess

We are experiencing a new environment, one defined by change and loss.

Our forests are dying. Visit the oak trees at Burnt Rancheria Campground near the Pacific ... Read more

Staying tick free on the PCT

tick bite

By Logan “Unitic” McCulloch

Hiking the Appalachian Trail was high on my bucket list. And it might have remained there indefinitely but for a life-altering experience I had beginning in May 2011.

Several months after a backpacking trip in Mammoth Cave National Park, I developed a case of disseminated borreliosis ... Read more

Five tips to avoid lower limb overuse injury on the PCT

By Dan Feldman

No one knows, till he tries, how easily a habit of walking is acquired. A person who never walked three miles will in the course of a month become able to walk 15 or 20.

— Thomas Jefferson, correspondence to Thomas Mann Randolph Aug 27, 1786.

There’s ... Read more