Author Archives: Mark Larabee

About Mark Larabee

Mark Larabee is the PCTA's Advocacy Director. He is the former editor of the "PCT Communicator" magazine and co-author of "The Pacific Crest Trail: Exploring America's Wilderness Trail" published in 2016. Larabee is a journalist, part of a team who won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news for The Oregonian newspaper. He hiked the PCT across Oregon for a 2005 series for the paper and has been with PCTA since 2010. He lives in Portland.

President Biden expands a National Monument along the PCT

Moving south on the PCT through the Mojave Desert, hikers close in on a massive obstacle: the north slope of the iconic San Gabriel Range. These high mountains above the wild desert also frame the Los Angeles Valley on their southern flank. Winter snowpacks provide drinking water for millions of ... Read more

Oregon Legislature Approves First Funding for Bridge of the Gods

Oregon lawmakers allocated $6 million to support engineering studies focused on preservation and seismic resiliency for the Bridge of the Gods, the official route of the Pacific Crest Trail across the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington.

The March 7 vote is a significant step toward safeguarding the iconic, nearly ... Read more

Hike the Hill 2024: Taking the Trail to Congress!

Hike the Hill 2024: Taking our message to Congress 

The Pacific Crest Trail Association’s most public face comes in the form of the incredible efforts volunteers make to maintain the trail. Crew members from all walks of life and communities coming together to do back-breaking work in scenic landscapes ... Read more

Taking PCT advocacy virtual

Building long-term support for the Pacific Crest Trail is partially about building relationships with elected representatives and land managers. We do this throughout the year during our day-to-day interactions. As the new year rolls around, we traditionally bring a group of Pacific Crest Trail Association staff members and volunteers to ... Read more

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