Author Archives: Mark Larabee

About Mark Larabee

Mark Larabee is the PCTA's Advocacy Director. He is the former editor of the "PCT Communicator" magazine and co-author of "The Pacific Crest Trail: Exploring America's Wilderness Trail" published in 2016. Larabee is a journalist, part of a team who won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news for The Oregonian newspaper. He hiked the PCT across Oregon for a 2005 series for the paper and has been with PCTA since 2010. He lives in Portland.

Longtime PCT Advocate Lesya Struz Dies

Lesya Struz, former PCTA board member, a volunteer founder of the PCTA’s Mount Hood Chapter in Oregon and the force behind the creation of a single permit for long-distance PCT travelers, died this week at her home in Boston, Mass. She was 68.

A 1991 PCT thru-hiker with the trail ... Read more

It’s time to #SaveLWCF

America’s most important conservation and recreation program, which has protected land in nearly every state, will expire on Sept. 30, 2018 without action from Congress.

Since it was created by Congress in 1965, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has provided the money to set aside property for national ... Read more

Billy Goat, the PCT Guru

An excerpt from the PCTA’s 2016 publication of  The Pacific Crest Trail, Exploring America’s Wilderness Trail.  The book is available on Amazon and in the PCTA online store.

By Mark Larabee and Barney Scout Mann

Since 2003, he has wandered the campground at Lake Morena County Park near Campo and ... Read more

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