Enter the Pacific Crest Trail photo contest

Did you take that magical photo this year while hiking or riding your horse on the PCT? Got a great shot of the scenery, wildlife or volunteers taking care of the trail?
Then enter our annual photo contest.
We’ll select many of the pictures we’ll publish in 2016 from those ... Read more
11 vintage Pacific Crest Trail photos: the Murray family’s 1969-70 ride

In 1969, San Francisco residents Barry and Bernice Murray checked their three children out of school and embarked on a trip they’d long been planning: a thru-ride of the Pacific Crest Trail.
They set out from the southern terminus at the Mexican border on April 26, determined to ride the ... Read more
Getting down and dirty with the North 350 Blades

August in the Pacific Northwest is generally fantastic weather wise. So when I signed onto a PCTA work project with the North 350 Blades at Snoqualmie Pass for the last weekend in August, I was pretty sure I was in for a wonderful sunny weekend filled with mountain views and ... Read more
In Memory of Don Twohey: From Hike the Hill to dirt digging, this PCTA volunteer did it all

Don Twohey’s first pack trip with PCTA’s Lyons’ Pride trail crew in the Castle Crags Wilderness didn’t go so well. It poured for several days, and the crew, camped near a raging creek for eight days, did its best to fight off the wet and cold.
That was in 2005 ... Read more
PCTA makes the case on public radio for Land and Water Conservation Fund

Megan Wargo, PCTA’s director of land protection, and Kelley Beamer of the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts were guests on Jefferson Public Radio this morning where the conversation was about the importance of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund and Congress’ inability so far to renew this 50-year-old program. ... Read more
Call to Action: Time is short to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund

Time is short to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund! You can help. Please contact your congressional representatives and urge them to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Can you imagine what the Sierra Nevada or the North Cascades might look like if our nation hadn’t had the ... Read more
Lyons’ Pride makes a week of it in the shadow of Mount Eddy

It’s the busy season for PCTA volunteer and corps crews all along the PCT, as they cut back overgrown brush, retread eroding trail and remove fallen logs. While this work is happening in all three states, I was lucky enough to catch a lot of the action in Northern California, ... Read more
Volunteers with the NorCal Crew tackle brush near Castle Crags

It’s the busy season for PCTA volunteer and corps crews all along the PCT, as they cut back overgrown brush, retread eroding trail and remove fallen logs. While this work is happening in all three states, I was lucky enough to catch a lot of the action in Northern California, ... Read more

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