Trail advice

Staying tick free on the PCT

tick bite

By Logan “Unitic” McCulloch

Hiking the Appalachian Trail was high on my bucket list. And it might have remained there indefinitely but for a life-altering experience I had beginning in May 2011.

Several months after a backpacking trip in Mammoth Cave National Park, I developed a case of disseminated borreliosis ... Read more

You should know about Valley fever

Map of the approximate areas (“endemic areas”) where Coccidioides/Valley fever is known to live or is suspected to live in the United States and Mexico. Source: accessed on 12/23/16

When it comes to Valley fever, awareness is key. Unfortunately, too few people know much of anything about it. A fungus that lives in the soil throughout the Southwest causes this terrible lung infection. The Pacific Crest Trail likely passes through areas where this fungus exists.

According to doctors at ... Read more

The joy of PCT section hiking

The achivement of a lifetime. Sitting at the northern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail. Thinking about section-hiking? Do it!

By Tom Bache. This story originally appeared in our member magazine, the PCT Communicator. You too can receive the magazine. Join today.

Many stories about the Pacific Crest Trail experience focus on the thru-hiker. Of course, these are inspiring. But a thru-hike is only a dream for those (like me) ... Read more